Regional Dedicated 5000.00 Sign On

Regional Dedicated 5 000.00 Sign On 55 750.00 5 000.00 60 750.00 this yr. income POSITION On dedicated account delivering cases to stores Need to have class A CDL with Tractor (RECENT) Trailer Experience with t railers 40 and longer Need 3 months exp. school CALL 877-684-5366 Pd Weekly Ins. Benefits < Pd Orientation Accommodations Travel Bus> QUALIFICATIONS TO QUALIFY Good Driving Record Dui needs to be over 5 yr. No Careless No more than 3 moving violations in the last 3 yrs. Applicants must have Verifiable Experience and those who receive an offer for employment will be subject to Drug and Alcohol and Criminal Background Screening. Call 417-315-2189 ORIENTATION INCLUDES > Drug Test > Road Test > DOT Physical



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