Double wide 2 bedroom 2 bath mobile home in Santa Maria

I am selling my mobile home. I am very motivated to sell. I need to move so I would like to sell it asap. I will accept reasonable offers. You can contact me directly via email text me or call me Dora 408-477-0666 or Lulu 805-345-0670. Great price for this double wide 2 bedroom 2 bath mobile home in desirable Town & Country Mobile Estates. Dining room has built-in-hutch spacious living room with plenty of natural light. Laundry room inside. Park offers 2 pools and a club house. Cool down for the summer This mobile home park is for 55 and older. There is a vertical wheelchair lift attached to the mobile home. It is functioning well. I used it for my mom she was wheelchair bound. It can be included as part of the deal. Thank you Se habla Espa ol 21 Century is selling this property.



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