Appliance Servicer and repairer(NOC 7332)

Appliance Servicer and repairer(NOC 7332) Wang Globalnet Trading BC Ltd Delta BC At Wang Global we are looking for people who want opportunities to grow work well in a team environment and take initiative as an appliance servicer and repairer Title Appliance servicer and repairer (Noc 7332) Job Types Full time & Minimum 37.5 hours per week Salary 25 Hourly Location Wang Globalnet Trading BC Ltd(622 Chester Rd. Delta V3M 5V8) Position Responsibilities Job Duties Repair major appliances such as domestic refrigerators and window air conditioners etc Diagnose faults by checking controls condensers timer sequences fans and other components using test equipment such as meters and gauges to measure resistance current voltage and pressure Meet performance and productivity goal as defined by business Replace components and subcomponents and reassemble appliance using hand tools and soldering and brazing equipment Prepare estimates and written accounts of work performed Represent the company in a positive and professional manner Demonstrate to customer on proper use and care of the appliance Employment requirements Required secondary school education Or several months of on-the-job training Or completion of a college program in appliance repair Or completion of a 3-4 year apprenticeship program in appliance repair. A minimum of 1-2 years experience in related field is asset Must be a self starter and be able to work independently with minimal supervision Strong communication and superior customer service skills Have good manual dexterity Provide knowledgeable and courteous repair service Strong technical electrical and mechanical skills with excellent diagnostic ability Computer skills necessary We thank all of those who applied but only those selected for an interview will be contacted.Please apply by email at wang.globalnet.bc(at)



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