1976 Dodge Bonanza RVMotorhome for sale...Excellent running cond

1976 Dodge Bonanza RV is in superb running condition. Has working air conditioning running water toilet shower 2 sinks stove oven microwave mini fridge hookups light fixtures. Has convertible table & couch which both convert to beds overhead cupboards which convert to a bunk. There are tons of cupboards drawers and storage space. A small closet. Nice clean interior (carpet cushions curtains) Slideable curtain to separate driver & passenger seats from the back. Runs great. Any questions comments etc. call anytime ------- 910-728-2434 (Philip). Feel free to call anytime and come check it out. Located in Fayetteville. Asking 1000 (we probably won t check messages very often so if you are interested please just call to make arrangements) Thanks and sorry for any inconvenience. 9107282434 Don t miss out on this awesome deal )



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