2014 Renegade Sportsman

We designed this coach with several features that are not heard of in a Luxury Motor Home starting with a 20 000 lb trailer hitch. We had Freightliner install a locking rear differential and dual parking brakes one for each axle to hold the rig when you launch from a steep boat ramp. We also installed a large Mud Room so you will have a place to store your coveralls fishing poles water skis etc. We can build and install anything you want in the mudroom from a reloading bench to a large pantry - the choices are endless with this coach design. There is a large hatch allowing roof access from inside the coach or you can climb the rear ladder and climb on the roof to enjoy the view from up high. This Coach has all the luxuries of home and then some - See more at www.rvregistry.com used-rv 1006820.htm sthash.T4Viozr2.dpuf



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