You can count on me Barry Lee.I have been successfully serving small to medium size businesseson the internet for the past ten years.Visit my website at www.cheapadagency.comto see what I can do for you. I am an experienced adman and in addition know how to build websites and get you noticed.I have a list of 20 things I will do for you for 300 or less. It s an image attached to this Classified ad that you can read and print out. Important I hate to have to say this but experience dictates that I must. Some folks ask how many copies (of whatever I m doing for them) will they get for their money. The answer is I will design it I will write your copy and I will put it all together into a finished file that you can give to a printer. I am not a printer. I can steer you in the right direction to a fair priced printer but the money you spend with me is for a creative product ready to be printed.



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