T-Mobile is setting your music use free- at T-Mobile in the Spok

Stop burning data when you stream music. Stream all the music you want on your phone or tablet from the top music services including Pandora iHeartRadio iTunes Radio Rhapsody Spotify Slacker and Milk Music without using your 4G LTE data. -No overages -No data caps -Unlimited streaming The best part for Simple Choice customers You get all this on our data strong network without changing your rate plan. So please feel free to call (509) 892-3520 to T-Mobile inside the Spokane Valley Mall or better yet stop on by and ask for Richard W. Thrower and I will set you up with a fully loaded plan that you will not experience overages or any other unexpected fees. some tax and regulatory fees may fluctuate and are not within our scope or control Thank you Richard W. Thrower T-Mobile Retail Store Representative- richard.thrower(at)t-mobile.com 509-892-3520



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