Love community

work live happily ever after. Adventure seekers spiritually aware people come join and create a house of LOVE together Create your dream reality with other likeminded loving people. Let s share the Magic. The dream is real. We found a fairy tale house in the Hollywood hills right below the Hollywood sign. We have a big green garden outside patios and yoga spots its a magical house very beautiful french cottage castle green nature and beauty everywhere you look. flowers and potential for us to make our own garden. A space where you can develop and be yourself. A space to be there for others help each other love each other and become one with each other. We are striving for a very successful productive and happy living where all of your wishes come true together creating a place with real magic to share with the world Rent and stuff There is 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms If you re one person in 1 room expect the rent to be 1500 a month. If you re two people in 1 room expect the rent to be 2000 a month for both. This is ALL about LOVE EVERY time we have an event or lease out our space share our house with others outside our circle we will spend 50% on upgrading the things we want to do with the house.The other 50% goes to lowering our rent. If we get productive and creative enough we shall all end up living in our castle without paying anything self-sustainable which is what we strive for. We are ultimately here to change the world and together we can So if having your own garden in the hills with likeminded loving real people who all want to change the world for the better and need a beautiful open happy platform to transform the world from then this is the right place We are excited to meet you All the Love.



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