GORGEOUS Townhouse for rent starting in August 10 2014(move in d

1250 2br - 2br 2.5 bath room townhouse with Free parking at (Climenton (Linden woold NJ) GORGEOUS Townhouse for rent starting in August 10 2014(move in date possibly negotiable). 1. 2 Bedrooms both with big windows and the main bed room has two walk in closets and bath room 2. 2.5 bathrooms. 3. ONE LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH BIG WINDOW ALLOWING THE SUNSHINE TO MAKE THE ROOM WARM AND WELCOMING. 4. computer room with a big window 5. Very clean kitchen. 6. Outside free parking( two cars allowed) ALSO UP THE STREET THERE IS A NICE SAFE PLAYGROUND FOR KIDS Quiet neighborhood. Close to VORHEES malland waking distance from grocerie stores (shoprite rit aids and bus station. PRICE IS 1 250.00 (utilities not included except for water and sewerage Must have good credit. YOU WILL NEED A FIRST MONTH RENT AND SECURITY DEPOSIT please call me and email me



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