Vintage Sears and Roebuck Century Club 3-Piece Suit

Vintage Sears & Roebuck Century Club 3-Piece SuitThis suit was my father s which he purchased in the mid-1970 s and wore only once. It is in excellent condition.Color Dark GrayMeasurements Jacket - 42 Short Length (shoulder to hem) 27 1 2 Arm Length 24 Pants - 36 Waist Length (waist to hem) 39 1 4 with a 2 3 4 hem Inseam 28 Vest - 42 Length 24 1 4 The Jacket is 2-button square breast pocket 2 lower flap pockets 2 inside open pockets 3-button trim sleeves back vent lining. (Tag on inside of one inside pocket states AMALGAMATED Clothing Union Made Outerwear Series Owel)The Pants have side pockets back pockets (left back has button closure) front zip fly - extended tab button closureThe Vest is 5-button Reversible 2 square lower pockets silk backBest Offer



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