Food processing and packaging supervisor (NOC 9213)

Food processing & packaging supervisor (NOC 9213) Wang Globalnet Trading BC Ltd Delta BC At Wang Global we are looking for people who want opportunities to grow work well in a team environment and take initiative as a food processing and packaging supervisor Title Food processing & Packaging supervisor Job Types Full time & Minimum 37.5 hours per week Salary 24 Hourly Location Wang Globalnet Trading BC Ltd(622 Chester Rd. Delta V3M 5V8) Position Responsibilities Job Duties Responsible for general duties involving physical handling of product materials and supplies Ensure accuracy of all production data including dates labels and packaging Effective running of all relevant equipment reporting any equipment defects to the appropriate supervisor Ensure product being packed is in proper container tray bag box and to ensure standards are followed when weighing product Maintain cleanliness of equipment and assigned area Cross training to rotate through various positions on the line other duties as assigned Cooperate with delivery department in sorting loading and unloading products Schedule co-ordinate the activities of packaging or processing labourers and Maintain standards and quality of products and improve productivity. Employment requirements Completion of secondary school and minimum 2 years of experience in the food manufacturing environment are required. Food Safety Certificate or similar regulatory experience preferred Must have safety boots Must be able to understand and communicate in the English language (both written and verbal) Initiative and exercise timely and good judgement on a day to day basis have superior communication and interpersonal skills a mechanical aptitude and work well in a fast paced environment We thank all of those who applied but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Please apply by email at wang.globalnet.bc(at)



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