Donate a Car to and Help a Family in Need

Please donate a car truck RV boat airplane or motorcycle working or not working to . Your donation will help a family in need receive a vehicle. All proceeds are used within the Charity Cars organization. Vehicles in working condition are given to families located within a 50 mile radius of the donar s zip code and could be fair market value tax deductible. This is the original auto donation chairty. Free towing for all donated vehicles boats airplanes motorcycles and RVs. The donation can be arranged on the 800CharityCars website or by telephone at 1-800-Charity (1-800-242-7489). I am a person working toward earning a free charity car. If you determine to make a vehicle or even a financial donation please refer to CAP. (CAP with a period after it) as the person who referred you to the charity so I can get credit for sharing with you about the charity site. If you want to read my story please visit the website and search for CAP. Thank you so very much. Have a great day.



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