Caregiver Full Time

If you have a caring loving spirit and like to take an active role in helping others you possess key characteristics that are essential to being a Comfort Keeper. As a Comfort Keeper you will do more than prepare lunch dust the furniture or help a client get ready for the day. These are important of course but through our unique approach to in-home care Interactive Caregiving Comfort Keepers find ways to actively engage clients in life. This could include cooking favorite recipes together reminiscing over old photos visiting friends or attending community events continuing favorite hobbies taking a walk doing puzzles. These are some of characteristics of a Comfort Keeper creative resourceful able to weave joyful life-enriching experiences into the fabric of everyday moments good communicator confident professional flexibile patient self-motivated punctual respectful discrete honest outgoing organized Also important are the ability to accept constructive criticism solve problems as part of a team and understand and respect procedures and protocol. If you have these characteristics and want a career that compensates you fairly offers opportunity for growth and provides a daily dose of personal satisfaction contact your local Comfort Keepers office today to learn more. Flexible shifts and start dates. 1 Franchise in the country serving Seniors If you have one year of experience as a caregiver CNA HHA or aide give us a call apply online at office-445 or reply to this post



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