Maintenance and Service Manager(NOC 721)

Maintenance and Service Manager(NOC 721) Wang Globalnet Trading BC Ltd Delta BC At Wang Global we are looking for people who want opportunities to grow work well in a team environment and take initiative as a maintenance and service manager Title Maintenance and Service Manager(NOC 0721) Job Types Full time & Minimum 37.5 hours per week Salary 33 Hourly Location Wang Globalnet Trading BC Ltd(622 Chester Rd. Delta V3M 5V8) Position Responsibilities Job Duties Provides guidance for trouble shooting and emergency response activities. Plan organize and direct administrative services such as signage cleaning maintenance parking safety inspections security and snow removal Develop and implement schedules and procedures for safety inspections and preventive maintenance programs Plan and manage a facility s maintenance budget Hire and oversee training and supervision of staff Ensures safe efficient reliable maintenance and operation of equipment to ensure the production of quality products Employment requirements Completion of a college or university program in electrical or mechanical engineering or an equivalent combination of technical training and experience in building maintenance are required Minimum of three years work experience in related fields are required Ability to take initiative and be the team leader for problem solving issues Experience in high speed packing and manufacturing machinery and methods. Good communication and strong computer skills. We thank all of those who applied but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Please apply by email at wang.globalnet.bc(at)



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