JOOLA Tour 2500 Tournament Table Tennis Table

Note Newgy Robot seen in pic is NOT available. - High Quality Tournament ready table tennis table includes competition net and post - Thick 1 inch (25mm) MDF painted surface - Durable 50mm metal frame and 50x50mm undercarriage - Nearly preassembled with two separate stand alone halves on trundle system - Optimal storage dimensions of 24 1 2 x 62 1 4 x 64 inches As Olympic suppliers and the official sponsor of the US Open and US Nationals JOOLA brings you top of the line tables in performance and design but at an affordable price. The quality USATT approved choice for schools recreational facilities and families the Tour 2500 bridges the gap between recreational and professional tables. The Tour 2500 features a 1 inch (25mm) painted medium density fiberboard (MDF) surface. Our multilayer paint process prevents chipping and warping while creating the ideal surface for a consistent ball bounce and accelerated gameplay. The heavy-duty powder coated 50mm frame and 50x50 mm undercarriage acts as a shield from excessive wear and tear and thus increases the table s lifespan. The Tour 2500 comes nearly preassembled in two halves facilitating set up and take down with only 8 bolts needing to be tightened to attach the legs. Each individual half of the table comes with its own trundle system to allow for easier transport and ability to stand alone as well as be nested together to minimize storage space The Tour 2500 is comprised of auto folding legs adjustable height levelers four heavy duty 3-inch lockable casters and an anti-tilting device for added safety and mobility during transport or conversion to playback mode. Playback mode is key for anyone who wants to amp up his or her game in solo play. The seamless transition from gameplay to a compact 24 x 62 x 65 for storage makes this table an optimal choice for any locale. Includes a competition grade net set and post to level the table for ultimate gameplay. Package dimensions 63 x 62 x 5



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