Cancer patient needs a place

My name is Rhonda Steen and my roommate is Johnny Taft. I have terminal lymphoma (non hodgkins) and he has COPD. I used to live in a run down infested place that has been turned into building code. I had given 450 to another place but it fell through. Wife decided to sell and not rent. I don t have money til the 1st of July and am hoping that we could work something out for us to move now. I am sleeping on the streets with my therapy dog (min poodle). I have been abused for 40 years and am 42. I don t say this to have anyone feel sorry for me it s just that I have problems in trusting others. I am NOT a city girl so living in town is really difficult. I am getting sicker faster because of the stress living like this. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP...I am not asking for a handout but rather a bit of credit. we can work out a payment plan. ...



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