Early Childhood Educator

Aird s Kidzone Learning Centre is located at 5025 12th Ave. Delta BC V4M 2A7. We are currently looking for a permanent full time Early Childhood Educator. If you are interested please submit your resume by mail or e-mail.Position Early Childhood EducatorWage CAD 20.00 hr.Types Full-time PermanentWorking hours 8 hrs day 40 hrs wkBenefits - 10 days paid vacation per year-Extended medical insurance and Dental insuranceJob Duties -Plan and implement developmental programs based on observation of individual children -Observe and record children s growth behavior and development and discuss these with parents -Integrate children with special needs into the program modifying the program and the physical environment if necessary -Prepare play and learning materials and set up the children s environment -Supervise children s play ensuring their physical safety at all times -Help children with daily routines such as toileting dressing eating and sleeping -Guide children s behavior and social development -Prepare light snacks and meals -Maintain a safe clean and appealing environment -Perform other related duties as required.Job Requirements -Completion of a two- to four-year college program in early childhood education-ECE License to practice in BC is requiredLanguage at work EnglishJob Location Delta BCContact Information Aird s Kidzone Learning Centre-E-mail kidzonelearningcentre(at)gmail.com-Mail 5025 12th Ave. Delta BC V4M 2A7



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