In Desperate need of the following

Hello my name is Gloria Im a 38-year-old single mother of 6 wonderful children with 5 still at home ages 18 17 15 14 11 and 6. No it wasnt my plan to have so many children long story but in spite of they are a blessing in my life. They help keep me strong. To make a long story short my main purpose for posting this is because I am in desperate need of some material and items. I am battling with Severe Kidney Disease and High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) My right kidney is smaller than my left kidney because the blood flow is not getting to it correctly which has caused it to shrink this is also causing continuous problems with my Blood Pressure. If you want to know more info you can go to the Web sitewhich I have built for the cause at Nevertheless as stated above thats my purpose for posting this is because I am in desperate need of some material and items....



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