Bobz4u zip 43072 Saint Paris 35mi N of Dayton

Widower 66 yrs old looking for a woman to date with possible long term relationship. Like smaller women because I am 5 8 and weigh 137 lbs woman should be under 175 lbs easy going personality with no children living at home. I enjoy dinner out a movie or a movie at home with popcorn. I was a construction inspector and am retired now so am available most anytime to meet. Am a caucasian but am not particular with race. I am usually quiet but like to kid around and am smiling a lot. Age isn t an issue either but do like someone that is old enough to where we have more in common. I am trying to quit smoking again had quit for 5 yrs just started again don t drink except on special occasions so I don t go to bars Am Christian Methodist but am not regular at going to church. Have back pains which I have to take meds for and it slows me down where I have to get off my feet after a few hours. Don t sit at home give me an email and see if we can get together for some fun for the both of us. E-Mail is < bobdrbuilder(at)>



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