1996 red chevy camaro

This is a red not perfect body but still looks real good for the age the car has 94 000 orginial miles on it the motor and tranmission have 30 ooo miles on them NO LEAKS OR SLIPS. Power brakes windows. mirrors. locks. tilt stirring. all recipts r with the car she has t-tops ice cold air in the summer and hot heat in the winter. The t-tops do not leak both driver and passanger side windows roll up and down perfec. the stereo in this car is factor but it is loud has 5 speaker all factor hits bass hard.car is real fast depending on how much lead is in your foot. ONLY SERIOUS INQUIRIES REALLY MUST SELL BABY DOG ME AND DAUGHTER DONT FIT VERY WELL AND I MUST GET SOMETHING BIGGER JUST DONT WANNA WASTE A GREAT CAR 317-529-4664



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