Condo close to the Beach 12ba.

Please when calling about this House Provide REFERENCE 350T Along with your CONTACT INFO THANK YOU CALL Bullfrog and Dog Realty Inc. Phone < 863 > -229-0141 PROPERTY DETAILS Condo Beds 1 Bathrooms 2 Sq. Ft 300 Year 1958 Close to beach less than one block away small 2 story building 1 bedroom 2 bathson the second flooor fully furnished and equipped one outside parking space. Less than one block away from beach and Hollywood Broadwalk Close to the new Margaritaville. THIS HOME IS FOR SALE ONLY. THIS IS NOT A RENTAL NOT A RENT TO OWN NOT A SELLER FINANCING HOME. FIRST TIME HOME BUYER PLEASE CALL TO SEE IF YOU QUALIFY FOR THE FIRST TIME HOME BUYER DOWN PAYMENT & CLOSING COST ASSISTANCE PROGRAM.Contact Information Jim Wilson - Broker Realtor Bullfrog and Dog Realty Inc. Phone 863-229-0141 Listed by Jim Wilson . Bullfrog and Dog Realty Inc.



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