At Elegant Parties OC our goal is to provide our clients with a personal catering experience through professional service quality cuisine and dynamic presentations. We offer affordable and creative catering for your wedding reception or rehearsal dinner quinceanera Company party shower or any other event whether in a banquet hall park or even in-home. We cater any size event. We have a full line of menus including Italian French Mexican and International. We have 5 different wedding packages to choose from or we can customize one for you. We can create unique action stations such as a Carving Station Salad Station Mashed Potato Martini Bar Station and Live Action Pasta Station. We have varied menus for Entrees Children s Menus Vegan & Vegetarian Espresso Cappuccino and more We service all of Southern California. Call text or email us today for a free quote. We will gladly email you our complete menu and pricing. 714-818-4518 Tastings are without cost or obligation. www.elegantpartiesoc.com



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