When You Want It All

Almost 100 Acres of complete privacy the kind you just can t find any more with a FAA registered private airport 2700 sq. ft. home 4 large bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms eat in kitchen with JENN-AIR convection oven - JENN-AIR counter top vented grill - Frigidaire black glass range - LG dishwasher formal dining room large family room with a soapstone high efficiency wood burning stove with a catalytic converter living room with a oak corner gas fireplace 2 computer stations with high speed Internet pantry laundry room with front loading LG washer & dryer with pedestals with drawers two car garage full basement with several work benches 2 porches large three story barn drive in all 3 floors with insulated 15 x 30 office and workout room with pellet stove- workshop garden shed 3 ponds stream. Also the previous owner had a nine hole golf course on the property. The hunting is great both deer and wild turkey abound. Enjoy all there is to do like horseback riding skiing ice skating four wheeling 4H club etc.This is the perfect place to raise a family grow your own food start a vineyard or an orchard raise cattle sheep goats chickens ducks maybe develop an air park the possibilities are enormous.You will love this area friendly people small town atmosphere. Property is just three miles to town at the top of a mountain at the end of a paved dead end street you can t find privacy like this anymore. This is a one of a kind opportunity all mineral rights included. Come make this your own as I have for over twenty years.Visit our web page at www.northforkproperty.webs.com or call with any questions you may have 607-206-1013



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