Maintenence Technician Needed

This position is responsible to complete repair work on the property. Perform work involving the skills needed to maintain and repair equipment and the structure of the hotel. Duties may involve carpentry plumbing repairing electrical or mechanical equipment installing and repair of kitchen appliances floors or stairs. Room prep cleaning duties and housekeeping duties are not part of this job. You are responsible for cleaning up after yourself to the company standard. Ideally this person is personally committed to assure all known KCD s are repaired at the end of each shift of work. Essential functions -Interior and exterior painting repair damaged walls and dry wall replaces windows hangs cabinets repairs kitchen counters installs base board and vinyl tiles -Repairs damaged appliances and installs replacement microwaves sinks refrigerators and stove tops -Performs general carpenter related tasks as well as landscaping and parking lot repairs -Assists with the completion of preventitive maintenence checklists and completes minor repair work orders such as replacing ceinling tiles light bulbs lighting fixtures ect. to maintain the hotel and keep product quality to ompany standard -Inspects drives motors and belts check fluid levels replace filters or perform other maintnenece actions following checklists -PTAC repair replacement hot water heater repair or replacement commercial washer dryer repair -Assists in checking and makes minor repairs on general plumbing systems and fixtures such as pipe lines toilets and sinks kitchen and laundry equipment -Assists in checking general electrical systems such as PTAC light switches electrical panels television sets lighting systems and makes minor repairs and or replacement -Other duties as assigned Physical Requrements -100 lbs maximum lifting with frequent lift and carry up to 50 lbs -Must be able to work on thei fet for 10-12 hours per day occasionally overtime required needs to be on call after hours and weekend service calls -Must be able to use ladders frequently as well as going up and down stairs bending squatting lifting pushing pulling -Must move furniture as needed must be able to use cleaning and painting products and electrical hand tools Skills and Qualifications -Use tools ranging from common hand and power tools such as hammers hoists saws drills and wrenches to precision measuring instruments and electronic testing devices. -Diagnose mechanical problems and determine how to correct them checking blueprints repair manuals or parts catalogs as necessary -Must score a 75 or higher on the maintenence test and complete maintenence online interview -Must have clean driving record -Must have own vehicle and owning any type of service vehicle is a plus -Must be able to pass a drug screen and background check Should have completed formal training program in one of the following HVAC plumbing electrical and general construction This is a two step process to apply for this job first you must pass a knowledge test then complete an on line interview. If you pass the knowledge test with a score of 75 or higher a hiring manager will contact you for a personal interview. To complete the knowledge test follow this link s default action url& key d269f06df29046 You must pass the test to be considered for the job.



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