Dobyns Chronicles

Dobyns Chronicles is a captivating celebration of the life of Charlie Dobyns. His life began in northeast Texas near Bonham on the Red River. His Cherokee mother and cowboy father strove to survive on their river valley ranch. Tragedy ended this way of life for Charlie in 1888. Follow him through Chickasaw Territory and on to McAlester in eastern Oklahoma. This is a story of a changing way of life and adaptations made to survive. Charlie s strong passion for life and dignity equipped him for survival as he raised his siblings with likeability and dignity. It s a story of loss misfortune hard times and heartbreak but also love determination kindness joy and spirituality. Follow Charlie s life through the adventures that shaped the man he became and that of his family for generations. Buy on Amazon now. Dobyns-Chronicles-Shirley-McLain dp 1499024096 ref sr_1_1 ie UTF8& qid 1402421287& sr 8-1& keywords shirley mclain dobyns chronicles



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