1.2 Ac. Lakefront lot aprox. 20 min. south of Tampa Fl.

This lake front lot of aprox. 1.19 acres is on 123 acre White Pelican lake that is located in Lost River Preserve near Ruskin Fl ( Aprox. 200 ft of waterfront). Lost River Preserve is a paradise offering private boat ramp access to 4 gated approximately 125 acre lakes and over 250 acres of nature trails only accessible to lot owners. These lakes are well stocked with easy catches of 20 or more Bass per day. Each boat ramp park is equipped with a gazebo picnic tables and grills. Boats of no more than 22 feet and up to 200 hp are allowed. If you ever get tired of fresh water fishing and water skiing Cockroach Bay free public boat ramp is only 1 mile away and allows direct access to Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. There is no time frame on when you need to build your minimum 2 400 sq. ft. house with a 3 car garage and you pick your own builder. This lot has a nature preserve accross the street ( part of Cockroach Bay Nature Preserve) so no homes will block your view of the preserve. Also the right side of the lot joins to one of the common areas so no one can build to the right of the lot. The price of the lot has just been reduced by 4 000 for a quick sale. If you like the water and fishing this is a must see lot. Priced to sell at 75 000. For more information please call Primary phone 813-645-6750 Secondary phone 813-645-5812



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