Delivery Service Representative

Delivery Service Representative Location Delta Position Overview The Delivery Service Representative will be responsible for the delivery of products over established routes within standard operating procedures out of Delta. Schedule Shift 4 x 10HR Duties and Responsibilities Responsibilities will include the correct offloading of the vehicle recording of delivery information accepting payment (no cash) for goods when required and ensuring overall vehicle safety. The Delivery Service Representative will be expected to operate the delivery vehicle in a safe manner at all times obeying all rules of the road and follow all appropriate company policies and procedures. Required Skills and Qualifications Valid Class 1 driver s license and a clean driver s abstract Eligibility for bonding and transportation of dangerous goods (TDG) certification Strong customer service orientation Strong mechanical aptitude with ability to perform routine vehicle maintenance High level of personal integrity and strong work ethic Professional demeanour under stressful situations Ability to work in a fast-paced environment Ability to lift up to 60 pounds Must be able to work with little supervision must be self-directed High School Diploma or equivalent



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