Dedicated 2000.00 Regional Class A Driver

Dedicated 2 000.00 Regional Class A Driver 45 800.00 POSITION Home weekly - Friday Saturday or Sunday Operating area OK< AE< LA< TX Need to have class A CDL with Tractor (RECENT) Trailer Experience with trailers 40 and longer Need 3 months exp. plus School CALL 877-684-5366 Pd Weekly Ins. Benefits < Pd Orientation Accommodations Travel Bus> QUALIFICATIONS Have Verifiable Work History - 21 yrs. of age No more than 15 mo. of time off in last 3 yrs. Safe Driving Record Dui smust be over 5 yrs Careless need to be over 5 yrs Not termed by last company due to safety issue (PLEASE NOTE) A full & complete background check will be ran including mvr dac report and employment verified REQUIREMENTS Must Pass Drug Test Road Test DOT Physical BENEFITS Vision 401k Dental Life Health AD& D



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