Office Assistant

Part Time Employment Opening in July 2014 Chill Cryosauna (Cryotherapy) ( Prefer student nurses that are interested in flexible part time employment but will consider others. The Cryosauna experience involves lowering the body s surface skin temperature from approximately 90.5 F to around 32 F for about 3 minutes. This dynamic cooling is achieved by way of Nitrogen mist which gently surrounds the body at -250 to -300 F. During this process receptors in the skin send signals to the brain to release endorphins and beneficial bio-chemicals. The blood also becomes optimally oxygenated which accelerates the beneficial results. The vessels and capillaries in the skin undergo a period of vasoconstriction followed by vasodilation. This causes toxins in the body to be broken down and carried away through the vessels. Whole Body Cryotherapy is widely used to increase athletic performance recovery from surgery reclaim youth and to treat a variety of other chronic physical conditions such as Fibromyalgia Multiple Sclerosis Psoriasis Autoimmune Disorders Anxiety and Depression. When the immune system is activated the body is positively affected and the resultant impact is an energy boost and skin rejuvenation due to the production of collagen. Elite athletes realize increased endurance with faster recovery and healing. Inflammatory medical and skin conditions are significantly alleviated or eliminated. Each session burns between 500-800 calories. The process requires two personal to perform the duties of operator and receptionist. Requirements Ability to think on the fly and plan ahead. Dependable reliable with good people skills. Will train and certify on specialized equipment. Require strong work ethic goal oriented and performance driven. Desirable word and excel computer skills ability to conduct on line research and clean the office. Work hours are flexible 6 days a week for 9 00 am to 7 00 pm and other times as required for special events. Pay commiserate with duties with pay increases based upon time and performance. Will train on office management which will apply on any resume. Will provide career counseling free of charge. Free treatments as arranged. Bonuses paid based upon profitability and performance every 6 months after the first year. Ability to perform without supervision and to be in charge (manage the office) with a co-worker. Desire two years employment once certified. Work locations is in the South Park Business Park on John Young Parkway South of Sand Lake Road. Email resume to CurtRead(at) Interviews will be scheduled and coordinated by 15 July 2014.



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