MovingStorage Company Seeks Laborers

We are seeking full time dependable professional and courteous Warehouse Laborers Movers and Drivers to join our talented team. Applicants will report to the Local Dispatch Operations Manager Monday-Friday. Job duties and expectations include but are not limited to Loading unloading client goods from warehouse to truck to home business Assembling tearing down loading office equipment Inspecting merchandise for damage Punctual must have reliable transportation Able to understand and preform multifaceted instructions Pass a drug screen and background check Client focused and willingness to troubleshoot problems as they arise We are seeking professional hard-working individuals who are reliable skilled and have a strong work ethic. We are a well-established and highly reputable moving storage and shipping company located in Spokane Valley in the industrial park north of I90. If interested please email your resume and we will reach out to schedule a time for an interview.



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