wastewater treatment system for pressure washers

100 gallon CLAY FLOCCULANT WASTE WATER TREAMENT SYSTEM for pressure washers. Cleans wash water water up to 300 gallons per hour generated by pressure washing auto repair shops gas stations manufacturing facilities oil change and truck repair fleet washing facilities. Very easy to operate virtually no maintenance only one moving part a 1 HP heavy duty agitator. Economical One step process that effectively separates oil grease toxic metals and paint from the wash water within a few minutes. Clean water can be re used or legally discharged to the on site sewer. Can also be used as a simple solids filtering device utilizing filter cloth. Compact size 48 W x41 L x 45 T. 160 gallon pretreatment holding tank. There are two slightly used systems available. Also an enclosed 18 Long x 6 5 High transport trailer is for sale. Call 707-544-0634



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