Life Skills Trainer

This is the perfect position for part time or per diem work to supplement your income Choose your work schedule and the of hours you want We are seeking a dynamic individual to fill an Independent Living Skills Trainer (ILST) position. This is a very rewarding position working 1 1 with people with disabilities helping them develop and work on goals to rebuild their skills and increase their independence in their home and local community. A typical day may be assisting someone in planning to pay their bills to learn how to use the public transportation system to develop strategies to remember medical appointments to plan a menu for the week etc... Travel is expected primarily in Steuben Chemung Schuyler counties. Mileage reimbursement is provided. Must be willing to work from home to complete paperwork requirements. Qualifications Education & Experience Must have any of the following BS Degree with 2yrs experience working with individuals with disabilities providing functionally based assessments developing a comprehensive treatment goal plan and teaching individuals with disabilities to be more functionally independent OR AAS HS Diploma with 3-4 yrs similar experience Apply by emailing your resume and cover letter to breynolds(at)



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