Equipment Associate ( General Labor) United Rentals TS20418

Title Equipment Associate Location Oklahoma City OK PLEASE APPLY ON LINE AT WWW.UNITEDRENTALS.COM United Rentals the largest equipment rental company in the world is offering an excellent opportunity for an Equipment Associate ready to grow their career with the leader in the industry. To continue our tremendous success and unparalleled growth we are searching for qualified and ambitious individuals to perform a variety of manual tasks to ensure smooth trench safety branch operation. The primary objective of the Equipment Associate is to provide labor assistance to service technicians sales staff and other branch personal engaged in meeting the needs of customers. Responsibilities will include Assisting with deliveries and preparing equipment for rental Performing routine checks on rental equipment to ensure it is safe and in good working order Greet customers and assist with customer inquiries about equipment Suggest equipment and supplies to meet customer needs Loading and unloading rental equipment Superior customer service remains the backbone of United Rentals therefore your willingness and ability to provide this to each customer makes you a top-notch candidate. To be qualified for this position the ideal candidate must have a high school diploma and be eager to learn. We look for individuals with effective communication and strong teamwork skills and the ability to multi-task. Knowledge of trench safety equipment is preferred and diligent attention to safety is a must. This role involves lifting equipment up to 50lbs and requires a valid driver s license. United Rentals Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer of women minorities protected veterans and individuals with disabilities.



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