WOW This Great Little Car Has Driven 1575 Miles per Year or 30 m

Mercury Comet Luxury Sister to Ford Maverick. Stored 34 Years - Just turned 60 000 mile on our 5500 mile father son road trip to California s Western Coast. 20 Mpg - Recent 3 150 redux after being in storage from Plugs & wires to alternator to fuel pump to Air Conditioning to Brakes hoses belts battery etc etc. This is what they called a Color-Coded Comet to Ice Clear Coat Blue. Original perfect matching interior with factory installed high back buckets that recline to floor shifting Automatic. Upgraded Mercury Cyclone Gt 15 s in 60 series aluminium wheels and new tires. Match to factory new clear coat paint (Never Wax) and Naugahyde Sport Top. I added for my son and I s road trip workable readable after market Gauges and 2 addition power points for GPS and Laptops wired directly into wiring harness. Appraised West Coast price 13 100 Midwest 12 400 will sell for 8 800 cash. Generates Conversation especially girls seem to love this car Easy To Drive Investment or Fun First Car for Teen



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