NEW BOOK - "Camp Cooke and Vandenberg Air Force Base 1941-19

This is a great opportunity to own a personalized author-signed copy of Camp Cooke and Vandenberg Air Force Base 1941-1966 by Jeffrey E. Geiger. Recently published this book examines the intriguing story of an Army training camp in California from World War II through the end of the Korean War in 1953. During the war years Cooke also hosted many USO camp shows that attracted some of Hollywood s leading entertainers as well as many more from radio and stage. In 1957 the camp was officially turned over to the Air Force and a year later renamed Vandenberg Air Force Base. The installation has since become an internationally recognized missile and space rocket base. America s first spy satellite program known as Corona (code-named Discoverer) was conducted from Vandenberg. The intelligence data collected from these missions exploded the myth of a missile gap with the Soviet Union. At the height of the Cold War America s first ICBM missile equipped with a nuclear warhead was based at Vandenberg. Among the high-profile visitors to the base was President John F. Kennedy who witnessed the launch of an Atlas missile. And as part of an unprecedented trip to the United States Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev passed through the base on a locomotive in 1959. 284pp. Softcover (6 x 9) 2014. 102 photos 5 maps appendices notes bibliography and index. McFarland & Company. (publisher s price 39.95). Please indicate how and to whom you wish to have the book signed. Send check or money order for 38.00 (free postage) to Jeffrey Geiger P.O. Box 1421 Santa Maria CA 93454-1421.



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