Uncontested Divorce by EZDivorce

EZDivorce offers an affordable alternative to costly divorces with the preparation of all necessary documents needed to file for an Uncontested Divorce. To determine if you are eligible see below An Uncontested Divorce is possible when (a) there are no disagreements between you and your spouse over any financial or divorce-related issues (i.e. child custody and support division of marital property or spousal support) and (b) your spouse either agrees to the divorce or fails to appear in the divorce action. The process is quick and painless...and inexpensive. Call today for an appointment at (518) 356-7275 or e-mail EZDivorce at EZDivorce123(at)aol.com. Located in Schenectady 3 miles from Exit 25A of the Thruway.



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