Diesel Mechanic- Service Tech III ( PH20104) United Rentals

Title Diesel Mechanic -Service Tech III Location Oklahoma City OK United Rentals the largest equipment rental company in the world is offering an excellent opportunity for a Service Technician III who is ready to grow their career with the leading company in the industry. To continue our tremendous success and unparalleled growth we are searching for qualified and ambitious individuals to perform maintenance and repairs of equipment in a safe and professional manner with some degree of independent judgment. This specific role will be working on diesel engines HVAC equipment and dehumidification air purification equipment. You will also be responsible for service documentation the training of lower level technicians as needed demonstration of equipment for customer use and occasional travel to customer sites. Excellence in this challenging and rewarding position paves the way for advancement into higher levels of service technician and management roles. To be qualified all applicants must have 3-5 years of experience with repairing and maintaining diesel engines HVAC equipment and dehumidification air purification equipment. The ideal candidate will have intermediate to advanced diagnostic and repair skills for mechanical hydraulic diesel pneumatic and other systems. The candidate should also have strong mechanical background knowledge particularly with various engines a basic understanding of schematics and diagrams own the tools applicable to position and exhibit teamwork verbal and written skills. Superior customer service remains the backbone of United Rentals therefore your willingness and ability to provide this to each customer makes you a top-notch candidate. A high school diploma and valid driver s license are required. United Rentals Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer of women minorities protected veterans and individuals with disabilities



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