GHS home repairand Remodeling

SERVICES AVAILABLE AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE SMALL OR LARGE JOBS KITCHEN REMODELS granite countertops backsplash sink& faucet replacement garbage disposal and more FLOORS tile all natural stone hardwood engineered wood laminate floating floors cork vct vinyl plank carpet Installation starting at 1 sq ft BATHROOMS Converting tubs in to walk in showers tub install tile or stone install .Shower liners.faucet or fixture replacement.Painting and more PLUMBING faucet and sink replacement.Leak repair.shower and tub fixture replacement.drain clean out.toilet repair or replacement.bathtub replacement ELECTRIC (minor electric only)ceiling fan light fixture and other replacement ROOFING Leak repair.shingle repair shingle installation EXTERIOR siding repair or installation pressure washing homes and drive ways.painting.gutter repair and cleaning OTHER SERVICES AVAILABLE complete home remodels painting.Drywall molding doors and more FREE ESTIMATES REFERENCES AVAILABLE Call and ask for Joe 8324072664 Thanks for taking the time read



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