Beautiful Offices with Amazing Amenitites and a Full Service Sta

Fully Furnished Office Space with flexible lease terms. Our Century City facility offers convenience with easy access to the 10 405 and Santa Monica Freeways. Located in the premier building at 1901 Avenue of the Stars you will enjoy sweeping views of the area concierge services and 24 hour security. Lease with us and take advantage of our fully furnished office space that comes with permanent high speed internet access and individual direct inward dial phone and voicemail systems. Our executive office facility has 4 conference rooms with video conferencing capabilities 2 copy rooms cafe catering services complete back office services delivery services and more. On-site professional reception staff to greet your clients and answer your calls-not to mention on hand for any administrative services you require. We have an on-site center manager to ensure your business needs are addressed promptly and your expectations exceeded at all times. We also offer Virtual Services. Our flexible lease terms are designed to grow and adapt to meet your business needs. We welcome you to come in for a tour Our motto here at Regus is work your way Call now MENTION THIS CL AD AND TEST DRIVE ONE OF OUR AMAZING OFFICES FREE FOR AN ENTIRE DAY Please Call Text Armand Carr 818.915.8680



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