8.5x16 concession enclosed trailer - 538a

6.) Rear fold down stabilizer jacks 7.) Wire & braced for a c 8.) 13 500 btu a c with heat strip 9.) Triple sink w hand wash sink 10.) Water package (fresh & gray water tanks w fill & dump valves) 11.) (1)3 x 5 concession doors 12.) (1)3 x 5 concession windows w glass & sliders 13.) Black & white checkered floor 14.) White metal walls 15.) White vinyl ceiling 16.) Bead board ceiling insulation 17.) Electrical package 18.) (4)extra 110 volt interior receptacles for a total of six 19.) Braced & wired for range hood 20.) No show beavertail eliminated 21.) Rear ramp replaced w concession door < h2> < a href goo.gl 9RM0nt > VISIT US HERE< a> < h2>



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