2006 Honda Ridgeline RTL

2006 Honda Ridgeline RTL Black CARFAX ONE OWNER NICE LOCAL TRADE IN and NON SMOKER VEHICLE. 4X4 Manly Honda means business Honda has outdone itself with this rugged 2006 Honda Ridgeline. It just doesn t get any better at this price Named as Motor Trend Truck of the Year for 2006. This durable reliable Ridgeline with grippy 4WD will handle anything mother nature decides to throw at you during one of her bad days at work. 7 Speakers AM FM radio AM FM 6-Disc In-Dash CD Chgr Audio System CD player Air Conditioning Automatic temperature control Front dual zone A C Power driver seat Power steering Power windows Remote keyless entry Steering wheel mounted audio controls Four wheel independent suspension Speed-sensing steering Traction control 4-Wheel Disc Brakes ABS brakes Dual front impact airbags Dual front side impact airbags Front anti-roll bar Low tire pressure warning Occupant sensing airbag Overhead



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