commercial Renovation and build out

At Fossil Renovations we focus on building excellence for all the clients. Over the last 5 years we have established a strong bond of trust with our clients and the communities in which we build. Here is some reason why Client-Focused Business Decisions Responsible Management Strong Business Model Best Value We are proud to deliver projects that shape our communities and strengthen our nation s infrastructure. Fossil Renovations became a leading construction remolding serving in Houston area we provide comprehensive painting and construction services for Condos Office Buildings Apartments and shopping centers Gas stations Parking Lots Hotels Motels Restaurants Our core values are an important part of our company s way of doing businesses. Our growth and enhanced our reputations as quality Services we are offering. Tenant Build Outs Renovations Electrical Metal Frame Drywall Interior Exterior Painting Retail store complete built Flooring Plumbing Call For Free Estimates Showers Bathroom Renovation Kitchen Renovation Cabinetry Basement Renovations Flooring (Laminate Hardwood) Painting Plastering Drywall Home Theater Wireless Ent. Lighting Tile Installation Custom Closets Glasswork Fireplace Mantles Woodwork Trimwork Panelling Sunny Project manager) 832-640-9905



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