Neil Diamond Impersonator Performer Nov 15th 7pm

Get ready to experience the ultimate tribute to Neil Diamon Diamond Dave has performed his show in Las Vegasd for over 15 years. He performed at the Riviera for over 5 years. When you hear his voice you d swear the Neil was on the stage. He will perform the favorites Sweet Caroline Cracklin Rosie I am I am Said America Love on the Rocks and so many more. As an added bonus the 1 Marilyn Monroe impersonator in Las Vegas is being flown in for a special appearance. Not only does she look like and sounds like Marilyn but her mannerisms will make you believe its Marilyn. This show is always a sell out so get your tickets early. Call Broward Center for the Performing Arts (954) 462-0222. or Ticket Master Good Times Never Seemed So Good Diamond Dave.



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