Huge Public Auction Saturday November 17th

The fun has begun as we are setting up for our next fabulous auction at Magnolia Gardens Auction House Saturday November 17th Nutcracker type market items have landed at Magnolia Gardens Auction House.....some life size metal angel and soldiers sleigh adorable metal soldiers holding instruments fun signage trees snowmen and more Nautical Vintage Perko Ship Lights beautiful Chippendale two sided desk awesome Indonesian furniture heavily carved servers Victorian Chairs vintage milk can groovy yoke mirror display cabinets bookcases dining tables and chairs china and more Searching for the perfect gift One size fits all with a Magnolia Gardens Auction House Gift Certificate Inquire at registration desk or give us a call. Every week our doors open for preview at 5pm and this amazing auction starts at 7pm. It is never too early to call and reserve seats....281-516-7251 713-363-4855 or use the link on our Facebook page. Visit us at Remember if ever you can t make it out you may always call the numbers listed and leave an absentee bid we just need the amount you wish to bid payment and contact information easy as pie. Tina Murphy 16380Items Sold As Is16% Buyers PremiumCash Checks and Credit Card AcceptedOpen to the Public Dealers Welcome



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