1999 Honda Valkyrie F6C

- 1999 Honda F6C Valkyrie 63 417 miles Black on Black with tons of chrome and extras -This bike has ben in my family for many years. My father bought it from my cousin in 2008 and has kept it in a garage ever since. The tires are in great shape. Brakes are in great shape. Paint and chrome is in great shape with just the occasional wear of a 15 year old bike. Hard saddle-bags full windshield and side wind deflectors. Extra lights on the front grille. The bike has been meticulously maintained with oil changes and regular maintenance. My father s health has suffered over the last two years and he has not been able to ride the bike. Therefore he wants to allow a new owner to have the joy of this magnificent piece of machinery. Please call text email with any questions or to set up a time to come look at the bike MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS Manufacturer - Make - Model - Year Honda F6 C Valkyrie 1999 Motorcycle Style Cruiser ENGINE SPECS Engine Type 1520 cc 4 Stroke - Liquid Cooled - Boxer Six Engine Bore and Stroke 71 mm x 64 mm Compression Ratio 9.8 1 Valves SOHC 2 valves cylinder Carburetion 28mm diaphragm-type CV Ignition System Solid-state digital Claimed Horsepower 100 hp (74.6 kW) (at) 6000 rpm Maximum Torque 130 Nm (95.9 ft. lbs) (at) 5000 rpm Transmission type 5 speed Final Drive Shaft CHASSIS SPECS Suspension - Front 45mm inverted fork 130 mm travel Suspension - Rear Dual shocks with five-position spring-preload adjustability 119 mm travel MISCELLANEOUS SPECS Tire - Front 150 80-17 Tire - Rear 180 70-16 Brakes - Front dual 296 mm discs with 2-piston calipers Brakes - Rear single 316 mm disc with 2-piston calipers DIMENSIONS Seat Height 740 mm (29.1 inches) Wheelbase 1690 mm (66.5 inches) Fuel Capacity 20 l (5.3 Gal) Dry Weight (without fluids) 309 kg (681.2 pounds)



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