Windows 7 Laptops Available from Impress Computers in Katy and H

Windows 7 Home Premium Acer Aspire ASE1-531-4665 B960 2.2G 4GB 500GB 15.6IN LED TFT W7H 449.99 Acer Aspire ASE1-571-6607 I3-2348M 2.3G 4GB 500GB 15.6IN LED TFT W7HP 64BIT 499.99 Acer Aspire ASV3-731 B960 2.2GHz 4GB 500GB DVDRW 17.3 W7H64 549.99 Acer Aspire E1-431-4404 2020M 2.4G 4GB 750GB 14IN W7HP 64BIT 499.90 Acer Aspire E1-531-4461 2020M 2.4G 4GB 500GB 15.6IN W7HP 64BIT 459.00 Acer Aspire E1-571-6856 I5-3230M 2.6G 4GB 500GB 15.6IN W7HP 64BIT 599.00 Acer Aspire S3-371-6663 I3-3217U 1.8G 4GB 500GB 13.3IN W7HP 64BIT 529.99 Acer Aspire V5-531-2489 1017U 1.6G 4GB 500GB 15.6IN W7HP 64BIT 429.99 409.99 Gateway NE71B12u 17.3 LED (UltraBright) Notebook - AMD E-Series E1-1200 1.40 GHz 449.99 Gateway NV76R45U i3-3110M 2.4GHz 6GB 500GB 17.3 W7HP64 629.99



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