1997 Oldsmobile Bravada (#cons)

(541) 956-4951 699 Union Ave - Grants Pass Oregon Whether you re taking the kids to practice or camping this compact SUV will do it with comfort and style. The 4.3L Vortec V6 coupled with a 4-speed automatic transmission delivers great power and a smooth ride for the roadway while the SmartTrek AWD makes driving the trails a breeze. The 6-speaker CD stereo and A C bring comfort to make you feel right at home while the ABS and Quad-Disc Brakes brings ease of mind. Also includes cruise control child-proof locks split rear seats power windows and seats tilt wheel and tow hitch. This compact SUV is solid and comfortable with an excellent ride quality. Call Larry for a test drive today Mileage 106 574 VIN 715372Revolvo West (541) 956-4951 larry(at)revolvowest.com Follow us on Google Twitter & Facebook - www.revolvowest.blogspot.com s twitter.com revolvowest s www.facebook.com RevolvoWest



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