Looking for a steady place.

I m a pretty young adult college graduate.. with a full-time job. I m not looking to move out because I wanna be rebelious I m looking to move out because my house hold is not stable and I m tired of constantly being shood out of my house when people get upset. I just want to live somewhere that is secure and I know i ll have a place to go at the end of the night. I work monday through friday from 8-5 and go to the gym at night. I dont have a whole lot of time on my hands so you can garuantee I will hardly be home. I do have a 2-year old Miniture Doberman and he is potty trained and very friendly. I also happen to be gay so please gay-friendly. I dont do drugs I have my life together and i m very responsible. I make a sufficient amount of money to live on my own I have my own transportation. I am not looking for anyones help or comfort all I m looking for is a Secure home that is all. If you feel as if you have a room for me (preferably with a family or females only) please let me know. Thanks



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