Family Accommodations in Cuba

Family time is the best time and going on family vacation adds to the list of quality family time. So if you are planning to spend some quality time with your family how about a vacation to Caribbean islands Caribbean Casas specialises in hand-picked high-quality private villa and apartment rentals in the Caribbean islands. Be it a big family villa luxurious apartment or a vacation rental with pool we provide all kind of accommodations in Cuba. Not only that we also provide additional services to our guests. Other services include Chauffeured car rental services Catering services Car rental Authorised animals Massage and spa Babysitting Fridge pre-stocking Activity planning Havana city-tour We stand out in the sector by ensuring that each of our guests is personally greeted upon arrival and provided with detailed house operating instructions local restaurant and service recommendations and tips and tricks of the area direct from the owner. Contact us now for booking or call us on 34 93 002 87 42.Contact Calle D num. 20535e 1ra y Alday.Reparto Trigal.Municipio Boyeros.La Habana Cuba



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