Zero 0% interest on new Toyota/Scion in Broward County, FL. 3344

Dear customer Our dealership has established an impeccable reputation for customer satisfaction over the years and this is why the same loyal customer continue to conduct business with us today After dealing with hundreds of lenders over the last twenty years and reading thousands of guideline papers I have discovered the finest lenders who charge the lowest interest rates Please let my twenty plus years experience in auto-finance save you the customer big bucks Most of our trade-ins don t meet are high standers so they go to the auto auction. When you purchase a vehicle from us you will receive a great automobile that has went through an eighty point inspection in our service department. See my auto website just click-on the blue lettering below Please call me to set-up an appointment to meet Looking forward to meeting you soon Sincerely Keith Cormier 754-265-5049



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